Friday, February 24, 2012

to each their porn

It's been said that everyone has their vice.  I think this is absolutely true.  I also think it's true that everyone has their porn - something that captivates and holds their interest to the point where they could look at it all day and not get sick of it.  Take the hubs for example: he's a good old-fashioned gear head, through and through.  If it's got wheels and a motor, it's got his attention.  I'm pretty sure that if time allowed, he could spend about seventeen hours a day online, contentedly scrolling through car forums looking at parts and swapping shop talk with various other motor-minded dudes.  So you see, cars are my husband's porn.  (You will not hear me complain about this obsession - I know more than a few women whose husband's porn is, well, porn.)  I am no exception to this rule, of course.  There are actually a variety of dirty little things that arrest my attention and haunt my dreams, including, in no particular order, fashion blogs, baubles, motivational tidbits, Etsy, and Pinterest.  The ladder of those happens to contain therein the first four, which is why I spend way more than a healthy amount of time on Pinterest. 

Here are just a few things I find visually, mentally and emotionally stimulating - 
here is my porn:


now go wash your hands, you dirty thing you.

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